

Hi, I'm Alex. I'm a wife, adult adoptee, and adoptive mama. In late 2016, we became a family of three through adoption. Our son was born in Massachusetts and we were incredibly blessed to be at his birth and spend those first days with him in the hospital. Life with our son has been an incredible joy with a little less sleep and a whole lot more love.

In October 2016, I took on the Write 31 Days Challenge and, of course, chose to write about adoption. It was certainly a challenge, mostly because we were matched with our expectant mom at the beginning of the month and we were keeping this exciting news under wraps!

All of the posts from the challenge are linked below. I'm constantly reflecting on our journey and writing more on adoption, so please check back!

If you are in the middle of the adoption process or think you may adopt one day, please don't take my word as the law. While, we have been through training for adoptive parents, have read various resources, and have been through an adoption journey ourselves, I am not an expert. For detailed and specific questions, you're welcome to ask me, but please ultimately refer to an adoption professional. The adoption process varies by family, from agency to agency, and adoption law is different in each state. I'm just sharing our experience and story. I apologize in advance for any mistakes!

Day One: Intro
Day Two: Why Adoption?
Day Three: My Adoption Story
Day Four: First Steps
Day Five: Words On Wednesdays: Will your child be hooked on drugs?
Day Six: Dear {Expectant} Mama
Day Seven: Announcing our Adoption
Day Eight: Buying for Baby
Day Nine: Our Must Buy List
Day Ten: Introducing Baby to the World
Day Eleven: The Home Study
Day Twelve: The Spirit of Adoption
Day Thirteen: Spiritual Pregnancy
Day Fourteen: Positive Adoption Language
Day Fifteen: Our Nursery (Part 1)
Day Sixteen: Our Nursery (Part 2)
Day Seventeen: Celebrating Family & Adoption
Day Eighteen: The Waiting Game
Day Nineteen: Words on Wednesday: All That Stuff
Day Twenty: A Brief Interview with an Adoptive-Dad-to-Be
Day Twenty One: Legacy of An Adopted Child
Day Twenty Two: The Patron Saints of Our Adoption Journey
Day Twenty Three: Why is Adoption So Expensive?
Day Twenty Four: Funding Your Adoption
Day Twenty Five: Post Placement
Day Twenty Six: Words On Wednesday: You're Amazing!
Day Twenty Seven: Interview about an Entrustment Ceremony
Day Twenty Eight: Five on Friday: Five things I believe about Adoption
Day Twenty Nine: Dogs and Babies
Day Thirty: Open, Closed, and Semi-Open Adoption
Day Thirty One: Adoption Resources

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