
Write 31 Days

We sat across from couple in their early 30s at a work Christmas party. They were nice enough and had a couple of kids. This couple carried on throughout all of dinner about the awfulness of parenthood. They were exhausted, sick of changing diapers, annoyed about the expense, and oh did they mention that they were exhausted?

At the time, Marco and I were engaged. My thoughts went a little something like this. 

Crap. That sucks. I mean I've babysat tons and it wasn't that bad. Sure it's tiring, but the kids are cute, and hilarious. Okay, so maybe I don't want twelve kids, but I could for sure handle three. . . maybe two right? Shoot, is Marco going to back out of having kids completely? Can these people just stop already? I need a beer. 

So 5ish years later, here we are. We have a 10-month-old and another on the way. Is parenthood exhausting? Yep. And yes, sometimes they're little poop machines and they of course have needs. 

[Hang on one sec, the baby just woke up from his nap]

The truth though? Being a mom is the best thing. Ever. Period. 

Over the next 31 days, I'll be writing about motherhood. The good, the bad, and the messy. Last year, I wrote about our adoption journey and I had a fairly organized plan, this year, well, not so much. Regardless, I hope that these posts will be for moms and non-moms alike. I hope to dispel some of the fear that surrounds motherhood, share some of my favorite moments, my mess-ups, maybe a mom hack or two, and honestly just share my joy.

You can check back here to find all of my posts throughout the month.

Day 1: Intro
Day 2: Bad things happen.
Day 3: The Day our Lives Changed.

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